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Woman Found Chopped To Death

An unidentified female was found chopped to death on Tuesday afternoon. The woman was discovered murdered along the roadway at Hermitage Extension, Debe Road in San Fernando by police. Just after 4 pm on Tuesday officers at the San Fernando Police Station received an anonymous telephone call about a body seen on the roadway. PC Ramkissoon and WPC Cupid of the San Fernando Police Station responded and discovered the female with chop injuries about the body. The woman was described as of mixed descent, with short black curly hair, approximately 5ft. 5 inches tall, clad in a black top and black tights. The scene was secured and the relevant personnel, among them the District Medical Officer were summoned to the crime scene. An autopsy was ordered at the Forensic Sciences Centre by the DMO. Among the officers who visited the scene were ASP Phillip, Insp. Ramlogan, Insp. Lewis of the Southern Division including Insp. John, Sgt. Mohammed, PC Nelson and Noel of the Region 3 Homicide Bureau of Investigations. PC Noel is probing the matter.

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