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Woman Assaulted

A woman was assaulted and robbed during a home invasion in Cocoyea on Wednesday 22nd November, 2023.

• Around 12:00pm, the 37-year-old woman was in the washing area of her home along Kenneth Avenue in Cocoyea, when she heard a strange noise.

• Upon investigating she observed two masked men, one of whom was armed with a firearm in her house.

• The suspects then accosted the victim and announced a robbery, before tying her hands and placing a cloth in her mouth.

• The bandits then relieved the woman of her gold chain and earrings valued at $6,000.

• They then took her to her bedroom where they assaulted her and took a quantity of gold jewellery, an iPhone 12 Pro Max and a PlayStation 5 gaming console before fleeing.

• The victim managed to untie herself and contacted the police.

• A team of officers led by Cpl Nanan responded and searched for the suspects yet to be identified.

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