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Senior Officer Allegedly Demoralize Junior Officers

The head of the Homicide Bureau of Investigations is accused of abusing and disrespecting his officers last week.

Officers assigned to the Region One Homicide Bureau of Investigations have accused their Senior Superintendent Rishi Singh, of using obscene language towards them last week Thursday.

The incident happened in the presence and hearing of a civilian who was at the time entering Region One's office located at Riverside Plaza in Port of Spain.

The civil is said to be a relative of a murder victim.

We understand that Snr. Supt Singh reportedly his office located on the 12th Floor and went to the 11th Floor where the Region One Office is located and began causing officers over their handling of a homicide investigation.

This incident, we were told, left officers demoralized given the fact they have been working under strain with many of them contemplating asking for transfers out of the HBI.

The Police Service Regulations prohibit the berating of an officer in the presence of a colleague junior in ranki or a civilian.

A Sergeant at the HBI is also accused of constantly verbally abusing junior officers, especially since he a certain senior officer has his back at the Bureau.

Snr. Supt Singh called a meeting on Saturday around 1 p.m., which many officers believe was done out of spite, since many of them had already worked their 5 days for the week.

We were also told that Snr. Supt Singh, at the meeting, said he was unapologetic for the obscene language and his conduct on Thursday.

Officers reportedly want to get out of the unit and have vowed never to attend any functions hosted by the Bureau.

In August, the Commissioner of Police restricted leave to police officers to 14 days and such leave must not be taken outside of the country.

"Why aren't officers at least allowed to travel for 14 days? Many officers have families on the outside and those here whom they are accustomed to shopping for or on behalf of but yet still they want us to perform at maximum level.

"See how unfair the system is, even to its own, " one officer who is not with the HBI but had concerns about such a restriction, told us last week.

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