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Robbery In Mayaro

TT$105,000, US$4,500, and $500,000 Guyanese dollars were taken during a robbery at a house in Maracas St. Joseph on Monday.

The robbery happened around 8:30 am while a couple, ages 35 were in the bedroom at their home.

They were alerted by noises downstairs, and the man went to investigate. He saw four masked armed men inside the home.

The victim ran back upstairs and shut the door to the master bedroom, but the suspects broke down the door and beat him about the body.

The two victims were tied up, and the bandits ransacked their home, stealing a safe that contained TT$80,000, US$4,500, $500,000 Guyanese dollars, and approximately $20,000 in jewelry.

The thieves also stole an 80" television valued at US$1,200, a chain saw and a pressure washer both valued at $8,000. They then packed their stolen loot into the victim's silver Subaru Forrester vehicle Reg. No. PDE 1015 and drove off.

Inside a pocket of the vehicle contained an envelope with TT$25,000. A report was later made to the police and PC Cupid was detailed to investigate the matter.

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