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Man Shot Dead In Front Police Station. Refused Ride Home.

The man who was gunned down outside the Belmont Police Station last night refused a ride home, said the police.

28-year-old Keston Munroe aka Bumbles was shot multiple times outside the Belmont Police Station seconds after he was released from police custody.

Munroe lived at Calvary Hill East Dry River Port of Spain.

He was taken to the nearby Port of Spain General Hospital where he was declared dead from gunshot injuries caused by 5.56 ammunition.

Officers at the Police Station are now saying that they offered Munroe a ride home but he refused.

He had been detained in connection with a shooting in the Port of Spain Division and was also one of the suspects who was seen stomping on a man's head outside the Stink n Dutty fete at the Queens Park Savannah.

As Munroe emerged from the police station, he attempted to walk across the roadway when a car pulled up and a man, armed with an AR-15 rifle, opened fire on him, before fleeing the scene in a silver B14 Reg. No. PBP 6703.

Cell phone footage captured by a passing motorist, moments after after shooting, showed Munroe lying on the roadway outside the Police Station.

11 spent 5.56 shell casings were found at the scene.

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