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Cop Found Dead

Cop found dead by his colleagues who were waiting on him outside his Arima home:

A police officer collapsed and died moments after his colleagues took him to his Arima home to retrieve his police badge and identification card.

The officer is Reg. No. 7521 PC Ronald Le Blanc who was assigned to the Malabar Police Post.

Le Blanc was declared dead at the Arima District Hospital where he was taken by his colleagues who found him unresponsive on the floor inside his home on Tuesday 7th November 2023.

Shortly before 7 pm, two police officers left the Malabar Police Post in company with PC Le Blanc to his Samaroo Village, Arima home to collect his Badge and ID card to resume duty.

15 minutes after PC Le Blanc left the vehicle and entered his home, officers attempted to reach him without success,

They went to check on their colleague and found him motionless in the doorway of his home. He was placed in the marked police vehicle and rushed to the Arima District Hospital.

PC Le Blanc was later pronounced dead by doctors. It is believed he may have suffered a heart attack. W/Sgt. Hospedales of the Malabar Police Post is probing the incident.

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