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2nd Accident Victim Dies At Hospital

The accident in San Fernando that claimed the life of a UWI student is now a double fatal crash as a second victim died at the hospital earlier today. 18-year-old Dominic Cardinal died earlier today while at the Intensive Care Unit at the San Fernando General Hospital. Relatives fear a cover-up with the investigations since one of the vehicles involved in the crash was removed from the San Fernando Police Station. His father said that his son died in front of him and his mother. He said they were asked by the doctors to come to the medical facility around 10 a.m. today. His son did not regain consciousness but he was told by a nurse that he once opened his eyes and was looking around. "That made us feel good and I said, yes, he's coming along. But he didn't make it today. He passed away right in front of us even as I was looking at the machine and I saw the line went flat," Allan added. Allan added there were concerns when his son was initially removed from the ICU and placed in the old hospital building which is hot and humid. "There are no fans there and the nurse said he needs to be kept cool so his mother and I bought two fans for him at the ward and it appeared his pressure dropped and he developed an infection. They took him back to the ICU at the new hospital but I was uncomfortable about the move in the first place," Allan told us. The distraught father added that he has seen signs of a potential cover-up with the investigations into the incident which is now a double fatal accident after his son passed away today. He said when he revisited the San Fernando Police Station where the Isuzu van that collided with the vehicle his son was inside, the van was gone. "I asked the police where is the vehicle and they said they don't know. How could this be? The van was involved in a fatal accident and it was there (yesterday Tuesday) and now my son passed away so that's a double fatal accident and the police don't know where it is." "Up to now, the police have not spoken to any of us so I don't even know if there's an investigation taking place into what happened," he said. Allan was asked if he was aware of information that the driver of the van may have been intoxicated at the time of the crash. Allan said," I heard that as well but I can't say with certainty I hope the police will conduct a fair and thorough investigation because two young people have lost their lives in this and his mother is in a mess right now." Allan described his son as a very loving person who was interested in computer studies. Another female victim remains in critical condition at the hospital. She was in the same car with the two victims that died. 22-year-old Kerissa Maria Dowrich, who had just completed her BSc in information technology with a minor in international relations, died at the scene of the accident. UWI Cave Hill campus graduate Dana Corbie is critical at the hospital. Newsday Report: According to a police report, at around 11.31 pm on Saturday 14th October, a vehicle carrying a TDW registration driven by a man from Avocat, Fyzabad was driving along the South Trunk Road. On reaching the traffic lights, the Toyota Aqua in which Dowrich was a passenger reportedly came out of Alice Street on the western side and tried to merge into the southern lane of the South Trunk Road. The Aqua collided with the left side of the Fyzabad man's vehicle, and both then collided with the metal barriers along the road. Both vehicles were extensively damaged. While Dowrich was pronounced dead at the scene, Corbie and the other passenger from the Aqua, as well as the occupants of the other vehicle, including the driver, were all taken to San Fernando General Hospital.

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