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The Wisdom Of Jesus Was Found In Very Simple Logic

According to Second Timothy chapter two verse fifteen an approved workman knows how to rightly divide the WORD OF GOD. . The wisdom of JESUS was found in very simple logic. HE caused people to see things that had not previously been considered. . HE said render unto Cesar what is Cesar's when they had never thought of the coin that way, and when HE healed a man on the Sabbath he defended the healing by pointing out that animals were watered on the Sabbath and that a man was better than an animal. . Can i offer you the thought that we should divide (in) everything that serves to conform us more toward the heart attitude of JESUS? And that we should do so while humbly asking for HIS LOVE go grow in us. Would this world see any result if we did? . HIS perfected bride will be of one mind and one accord with the LORD... She divides out vain side item theologies that have been debated for centuries by men who never humbled themselves before GOD to seek HIS guidance. . There are varying degrees of deception within our Churches, but one thing is very simple and true., When we are guided by HIS SPIRIT we are guided to become more like JESUS and we don't go around shouting about how right OUR DOCTRINES are.... We shout about HOW RIGHT JESUS IS.

(Tommy Crawford)

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