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She Galiantly Borne Her Cross

She gallantly borne her cross 12 years ago, a young, ambitious graduate stepped out of the gates of her university, ready to take on the world. She had spent years pouring her heart and soul into her studies, and now it was time to put that knowledge to the test. But as she looked around at the endless possibilities stretching out before her, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of uncertainty. What did the future hold for her? As the days passed, she found herself struggling to find her footing. She applied for countless jobs, but none seemed to be the right fit. She felt like she was floundering, and her confidence began to wane. But she didn't give up. She knew that success wasn't handed to anyone, and that she had to work for it. She took on odd jobs to make ends meet, and slowly but surely, she began to build a life for herself. She made new friends, and found a sense of community in the city. She started to feel like she belonged. As the years went by, she started to gain more and more confidence in herself. She took on new challenges and pushed herself to be the best version of herself. She worked hard to achieve her goals, and eventually landed a job that she loved. But the journey wasn't always easy. There were times when she felt like giving up, but she always remembered why she had started in the first place. She remembered the feeling of uncertainty and fear she had felt on that first day outside of university, and she knew that she couldn't let it defeat her. Through all the struggles and setbacks, she had grown into a strong and resilient person. She had learned that life was about taking risks and pushing through the tough times. And as she looked back on all that she had accomplished, she knew that she was ready for whatever the future held

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