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Love, Pray, Bless & Don't Curse

I’m telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer” Matthew 5:44

In a world where adversity may knock at our door, let's choose love over hatred, prayers over resentment. When faced with difficulties, let love flourish within us, revealing the best of our character. Our reactions should reflect our faith, turning trials into opportunities for growth.

No matter the role others play – whether friend or foe – their actions or attitudes don't change you .

Life is a script, and you’re the one in focus; you have to choose to play your part—the love-part.

Embrace God's purpose for your journey and let love radiate through every encounter.

Our love-walk isn't just a choice; it's a declaration of our faith.

Our ability to still put up a loving smile when others are hating on us, pour insults on us or persecute us, shows that indeed, we dwell in Him and are walking in the light, as He is in the light.

Share this message, spread the love, and let it guide your path.

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