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Writer's pictureJC Vibes - Admin

How Precious Are His Thoughts For You

Psalm 139:17-18 How precious also are your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand.

One of my favourite Psalms is Psalm 139. It’s jam packed with God’s purposes for you. Listen: O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You have hedged me in behind and in front. And laid Your hand upon me. You formed my inward parts. In your book were written all the days fashioned for me, before one of them came to be. See if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. God’s thoughts for you are endless. He knows the plans he has for you, plans for peace. In the Hebrew Bible, the word translated to peace is shalom. Shalom means more than peace. Shalom means peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquillity. These are God’s thoughts for you. His thoughts are endless. His thoughts for you are greater than you could ever imagine. If you’re facing an uncertain future today, know this, he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think, according to the power that works in you. So, acknowledge God in every aspect of your life. Seek first his kingdom principles and his goodness. Do this and he will guide your footsteps into a future filled with certainty, purpose and shalom. That’s what God-tracking is all about. God-tracking is following God’s precious thoughts for you. IT’S ALL IN THE BIBLE. READ ALL ABOUT IT. (NKJV) Get into the word of God and get the word of God into you! Psalm 139 Jeremiah 29:11 Ephesians 3:20


“Come, O Lord, and do what you choose to do in me, today.”

“Dear God, how precious are your thoughts for me. I surrender my thoughts to your thoughts. I know you have a plan for my life to be filled with your shalom. I choose now to acknowledge you in every part of my life – my work, my church, my recreation, my relationships – and I trust you to direct my path every step of the way. Come, O Lord, and do what you choose to do in me, today. Amen.”

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