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Avoid Wrong Associations

The company you keep will determine the troubles you meet or the blessings you keep. In life, the choices we make are so important, as they can make or break your destinies. As a Christian, it’s so important that you avoid wrong associations. Keep away from people that try to corrupt your spirit with negativism, because it’s poisonous to your spirit. The Bible says, “…evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33). You’d consciously have to put away those things or people causing you distractions, to make much progress in life. When you separate yourself from distractions, you’re more focused and your fellowship with the Holy Spirit will be enriched. As you identify and eliminate the sources of distractions in your life, your life becomes more inspiring. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the correction and guidance I receive from your Word. By the help of your Spirit, I identify any association that could impede my growth in the things of the Spirit, and I thank you for granting me the courage and confidence to eliminate them, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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