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A Father's Walk

Every relationship has to do with walking together. Walking together also is a product of agreement. People without any affinity will hardly be together not to talk of walking together. For two persons to walk together means that they have similar or the same way to go. What holds for the physical holds for the spiritual.

Every relationship should be of value to the persons involved.

These values may be immediate or of the future. I don't think there is any sense in engaging in a relationship without any value, it will amount to a waste of destiny or life. That is the reason for you to walk with the Lord which has unquantifiable benefits not only on this Earth but also in eternity; after this life. The benefits also will continue in the lives of the offspring after the departure of the person who walked with the Lord.

A father's walk with God benefits the son even after his death. Second Chronicles chapter twenty-two discloses, "9]... Ahaziah was given a decent burial because the people said, “He was the grandson of Jehoshaphat—a man who sought the lord with all his heart.” This King was not entitled to a decent burial he was given because he had no smooth relationship with the Lord God of Israel. He pitched his tent against his Maker. He did not walk well with Him. So, he was delivered to be destroyed by Jehu who was commissioned to destroy every member of Ahab's family forever.

What got Ahaziah the descent burial he was given was the walking of his father, King Jehosaphat. This king's walk spoke after his death many years in the life of his son. That is the power of a right walk with God.

How is your walk with your Maker? Do you walk with Him? How do you do it? Does it please Him? Can your walk with Him speak well during your life and after you depart from the Earth? Make the necessary changes and begin a better walk with the Lord today. Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord.

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